Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dance of Porcupine…………… (An elegy by a hoary plant)

From the flaring Mercury to the far-flung Pluto this pint-sized sphere is really a secluded alien and the trait that sets it apart from the rest is its flamboyant vegetation and the wide variety of creatures ranging from the microbial amoebas to the Leviathan Blue Whales. This ampleness makes it; the earth a picturesque archipelago in this universe. The one who acts as a chaperon for this vivid and dynamic living spectrum is me, the inert hapless greenery. But instead of all these I am facing an excision and the black hands behind it belongs to the most culturally heaved up (you pretends to be) and intellectually outspoken bipeds, the human beings.
If you trace back to the juvenile times of the globe, we were the preponderant gang and was kind enough to help the factions and the weaker sections of the society. Lots came infront of me begging food and shelter. Your plea was the most desolating to me and I whimpered myself seeing the denuded weak bipeds. I gave you comestibles to calm your appetite and tents
to hangout. I even carried some on my shoulders and guarded from the feral beasts (Now I think they are better than you cheaters). I was the one who sustained your first invention. I was the one who gave you something to hide your nudity. Inspite of all these, what you have done to me???
You stripped my barks off, chopped my peduncles and crushed my saplings and go on abiding all these savageries You Draculas don’t even spare my sap. But still I strive hard to make your existence in this cosmos a secured one. We are sweating hard to give you the breath you want, growing to alarming heights to deliver the food and timber you need and above all stretching my hands wider keeping your Ozonic brolly intact. But you Porcupines are not realizing that your dance not only makes you nude but also destroys other innocent creatures and this earth as a whole………..

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